How The Salvation Army Saved My Christmas
“I remember the day well. It was December 19, 2017, and I was happy to be picking up a Christmas hamper and toys from The Salvation Army in Vernon, B.C.,” says Marcus (not his real name). “But 10 minutes from my house, a car from the opposite direction crossed a double line and hit my vehicle head on. It was totaled. I survived a car crash where death could have easily been the result, yet my biggest worry at the time was that my children wouldn’t have Christmas.
“It had been a tough year for me financially. A workplace injury left me with a crushed arm. After three surgeries I was still unable to resume my regular duties. When my sick benefits ran out I could barely afford to keep the lights on or provide snacks for the children. I contacted The Salvation Army for help with food.
“It was hard lining up for assistance with my child holding my hand. I’d never had to ask for help before.“
“The accident happened seven days before Christmas. I suffered a concussion that left me with severe headaches, speech and balance problems, and extreme sensitivity to light and noise. I recuperated at my sister’s home in the mountains where thick blankets of snow had covered the roads making them nearly impossible to travel. I couldn’t get my Christmas hamper. All I really wanted was a turkey. Now I’d have nothing for my children.
“When my sister called The Salvation Army to tell them of my situation they asked for our address and said: ‘Maybe we can come to you?’ And they did―up winding, snow-covered roads―to a place that was very hard to get to.
“My experience with The Salvation Army was overwhelming and to this day brings tears to my eyes. My children received toys and I got my turkey.
“The Salvation Army saved Christmas for me and my children. Their unselfish giving is difficult to explain. When I didn’t have my wits about me they gave me hope and boosted my morale and my spirits.
“Today, I’m back on my feet financially and am giving back to my community as I have received. It’s all because I was touched by angels and now want to give others a Christmas to remember.”