Plant a Tree at Ontario Salvation Army Camp!
Donors can help bring shade to The Salvation Army’s Jackson’s Point Camp. The goal of the Adopt a Tree program is to plant 100 trees at the Camp property on Lake Simcoe to replace trees lost to the Emerald Ash Borer beetle.
“We are looking to replenish our grounds with up to 100 new trees! Tree coverage is a valuable part of the ecology at The Salvation Army Jackson’s Point Camp and planting new trees is good for the environment,” says Paige Sharp, Divisional Youth and Young Adult Coordinator with The Salvation Army in Ontario.
Trees are needed to provide more privacy along the water and around the camp cabins at Jackson’s Point. Newport Adventure Camp on Skeleton Lake near Huntsville will also see new trees planted, as the campaign will be an annual fundraiser.
Trees available for purchase are Autumn Blaze, Maples, Oaks, Kentucky Coffee trees and Tulip trees. Benches at Newport Camp or Jackson’s Point and donation plaques are also available for purchase. Prices range from $100 for a donation plaque up to $1400 for a bench, with trees going for $580 to $615, depending on the variety. The mature trees being purchased are 4-6 years old to give them the best chance at survival.
“We have so much land here and the trees provide a lot of shade and a place for the kids to meet and congregate,” Paige says.
Tree orders close July 31, with planting taking place in mid-August. Trees and benches can be purchased online at or by emailing