Breakfast and a Warm Welcome: The Salvation Army Continues to Serve Peterborough Residents During Pandemic

by Caroline Franks
Categories: Divisional News
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On any given day of the week, many who are experiencing homelessness or are at risk of becoming homeless start their day looking for where they can find breakfast.

In Peterborough, there are between 50-80 individuals turning to The Salvation Army for support, where the coffee is on and a healthy nutritional breakfast is ready to help them start the day.

Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, volunteers are serving breakfast from The Salvation Army Emergency Disaster Services canteen vehicle with a line up organized in a way to adhere to physical distancing rules. Volunteers are also wearing the proper protective equipment to keep everyone safe.

“Breakfast is usually continental and includes, for example, a muffin, yogurt and toast. Sometimes we also do pancakes and sausages,” said Meredith Chin, The Salvation Army Community and Family Services Supervisor. “We are seeing a few less people than we used to before the pandemic because people are afraid to come out of their homes as much. Some are coming less often or not at all.”

The Salvation Army food bank is running by appointment on Monday, Tuesday and Thursday from 1:00 to 3:30 pm however, they are not turning anyone away.  Pre-bagged food is being left in the foyer for clients to pick up.  Historically, a community member may access the Salvation Army Food Bank once a month but, during these exceptional times food is being offered more often for those in need.

In addition to supporting the community with food, Salvation Army officers Major Kathleen and Herbert Sharp are checking on the well-being of members of their congregation through phone calls.

“We’ve been checking on people to see how they are doing and if they need anything. Most of them are doing ok. A lot of them are seniors and are often home much of the time anyway,” said Major Kathleen. “I’ve also written 139 cards with personal messages to church members.”

Major Kathleen says Sunday services are now being video recorded and posted on social media and Bible studies are being conducted via zoom video conferencing.

This week staff will also begin delivering food to some of the seniors that cannot leave their homes.

Monetary and food donations are being accepted at the church. Those wishing to donate can call 613-968-7394. If you would like to support the work of The Salvation Army visit or call 1-800-SAL-ARMY.