Salvation Army Kingston Rideau Heights Church is Bringing Comfort to those in Need

Sometimes just a phone call and a chat helps someone know they are cared for.
Officers at The Salvation Army Church in the neighbourhood of Rideau Heights in Kingston are taking the time to chat to both their congregation members and those calling in for requests for food to offer comfort and a listening ear.
“People we are speaking with over the phone are feeling pretty lonely. In some cases I think when they call in for food it might be the only conversation they have had in the last few days,” said Lieutenant Kristina Marsh, Officer at The Salvation Army Rideau Heights Church. “You can hear people are extra chatty and they tell you how they are doing when normally they don’t. I found it’s been a greater time of connection even if you don’t see people face to face. In that way it’s been a blessing.”
To maintain the need for physical distancing the officers and staff are packing food hampers and delivering them to the doorstep of people’s homes. The church is currently delivering to about 50 households a week.
Resources from the meal program which had to be closed have been transferred into the food bank to increase their ability to support those in need. The hampers contain both non-perishable food items including snacks for children as well as fresh items like produce, milk, eggs and meat. Each food hamper also includes the latest Salvationist Magazine and Edge for Kids magazine.
The church has posted their Sunday services on their Facebook page and YouTube and are sending updates by email to members of the church.
The youth director is checking on the children in the congregation and sending them daily devotionals and fun challenges.
“The Salvation Army Rideau Heights serves a small area of Kingston so we haven’t seen many new clients, but we are so happy and thankful that we are able to continue to serve our community during these difficult times,” said Lieutenant Kristina.
If you would like to support the work of The Salvation Army or if you are in need of assistance please visit or call 1-800-SAL-ARMY. To reach The Salvation Army Kingston Rideau Heights Church please call 613-541-3947.
By: Caroline Franks