Building Relationships in the Napanee Community Through Food Bank Services

by heatherprystanski
Categories: Divisional News
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In the small community of Napanee, The Salvation Army’s Food Bank has seen a 50% increase in people using their services this past year.  This ongoing need for services has seen a sharp incline throughout the early months of 2020 as community members are faced with insecurities around food, necessities and employment due to the COVID-19 virus.

The Napanee Salvation Army’s Food Bank has continued to serve the increased need in their community, while also taking steps to keep their community members safe throughout these uncertain times.

The Food Bank has transitioned from within a building where clients were in close proximity, to an outdoor tented area where there is more opportunity to practice social distancing.

Pre-boxed food and other necessities are placed on the table, where families pick up their items. By following this method, there is less time spent sanitizing between families, and there is more time available to help people.

“We have the opportunity to connect with people, find out how they are doing, and if there is any additional supports we can offer them, such as toilet paper,” says Abby Mills, Director of Community Ministries at the Napanee Salvation Army.  “We can look after them to the very best of our ability.”

The Napanee Salvation Army is building relationships in the community through their Food Bank services and is continuing to feed their community during this difficult time.

One family that was recently helped by the Food Bank was a father who had been laid off due to workplace closures from the COVID-19 virus.

The Napanee Salvation Army staff showed compassion and understanding towards him and his family as he accessed the Food Bank service.

“He became choked up as he was helped because the spirit of generosity and genuine care overwhelmed him,” said Abby. “People have a perception that The Salvation Army is here to help only a specific type of person, but the reality is we are here to help people in whatever capacity we can with their particular need.”

In addition to the Food Bank services, The Napanee Salvation Army is also providing links to online church services through their Facebook page.

“The online services are an opportunity to introduce people to church in a non-threatening way, they can experience church without having the hurdle of going into a church full of people they don’t know,” said Abby.

More details on Sunday services and other activities will be available on Facebook. To book a Food Bank appointment, call 613-354-7633.  If you would like to support the work of The Salvation Army please visit or call 1-800-SAL-ARMY.


By Heather Prystanski