The Salvation Army and Local School Partner to Boost Breakfast Program

Purvis Primary School in Bermuda ensures every student starts their day with a nutritious breakfast. Each morning, 20 students in need receive healthy meals thanks to the school’s breakfast program.
The Salvation Army, which has worked with the school before, made a generous contribution to enhance the program by donating $1,250 plus a large basket of fresh fruit.
Captain Dennis Maybury, the Army’s Bermuda regional public relations officer, explains that the support serves as a thank-you for the school’s impact on so many children in the community over the years. Giving students a great start to their day with a healthy breakfast can be key to their continued success.
“The school is very generous and good to us. They lend out their facilities and are great partners of The Salvation Army,” he says.
Previously, The Army has hosted camps, events and even concerts at the school. Many teachers are members of Salvation Army churches. Aware of the school’s significant contributions, Captain Dennis felt it was time to give back.
“We have such a good relationship with them. I just thought it was deserved. The Lord just laid on my heart to give back to them because they are always giving to us,” he states.
Karen Trott, a teacher at the school and a member of a Salvation Army church, has played a key role in strengthening this partnership. When she learned about the donation, she organized an assembly to receive it.
“The children were excited. They were lining up to get some fruit. It was really nice,” Karen shares.
The Salvation Army’s involvement at the school not only helps feed students but serves as a gateway to make connections with their families. Introducing the children to this program could allow the Army to reach their parents to see if they need additional support in other areas.
“It makes you feel excited and enthusiastic to see that your efforts are changing the lives of young people,” Captain Dennis says.
Encouraged by the great feedback from students and teachers, The Salvation Army in Bermuda have committed to adopting the school for the upcoming academic year. They will continue to contribute to the daily breakfast program.
“Our mandate at The Salvation Army is to meet human needs, share the love of Jesus and help out as much as we can. So as much as we ask for donations, it is always good to give back,” Captain Dennis says.
Karen emphasizes that this partnership can be crucial for the community to learn about and support the work of The Salvation Army.
“I think it is very important to make these connections. The children, parents and families will be reminded about what The Salvation Army does for Bermuda,” Karen adds.
By Juan Romero