Single Mom Pays it Forward After Getting Back on Her Feet

Jodi loads her car up with groceries to deliver to people who can't get to a food bank

Each Christmas and throughout the year, Jodi gives back to The Salvation Army. Grateful for the help she received when challenges came, she is paying it forward to help others who may find themselves in a similar predicament.

“The food support was an amazing help,” says Jodi. “I received a food box as well as frozen meats, and even a coupon for a free pizza. I was informed about their Christmas Program, so I registered for both food and gift support for my son.”

“I understand how it feels not being able to do what you want to give your children the best life possible”

Recently separated from her spouse, Jodi and her teenage son embarked on a new life on their own. Challenges came and escalated until it became apparent that she needed to reach out for support. That’s when she turned to The Salvation Army in Dartmouth, N.S.

“I found myself single with a son who suffers from mental health issues,” says Jodi. “A friend of mine suggested getting help from the food bank.”

Although her son was in his late teens, his mental health struggles meant extra care was needed in the home. There were many challenging days, but Jodi and her son learned to adapt to their new lifestyle. Jodi was able to continue her full-time employment, but it wasn’t enough to sustain them financially.

Now, Jodi and her son have learned to live comfortably. Grateful for the support she’d received from The Salvation Army, she wanted to do something to help others who may find themselves in a similar predicament. Each Christmas and throughout the year, Jodi donates bags of non-perishable food to The Salvation Army.

“I am now paying it forward by helping The Salvation Army deliver boxes to those in need”

Jodi realizes the need for those who may be struggling to get food. Today, she does as much as she can to give back, with the goal of doing even more to help others.

“I am now paying it forward by helping The Salvation Army deliver boxes to those in need. Many people can’t get to the food bank due to COVID-19 or just any other reason, so I want to help,” says Jodi. “As a parent, I understand how it feels not being able to do what you want to give your children the best life possible.”

By Jan Keats