Salvation Army Assistance Makes Christmas Less Grim
Daniel Epp’s household is larger than average, with nine people living in the home, including his seven children and partner. In recent years, Daniel has faced financial challenges, making the holiday season quite expensive. Despite this, he works hard to ensure his children have a wonderful Christmas.
With the assistance of The Salvation Army in Yellowknife, Christmas has remained a special day for the Epp family over the past three years.
“The Salvation Army is awesome. They really help. As you know, groceries in the last five years have gone up,” Daniel says.
The assistance Daniel received goes beyond just food. The Salvation Army has also provided some gifts for his children.
“They gave us a turkey and all the fixings for Christmas. Then all of a sudden, they added presents. Our house was full of presents. It was nuts. My children loved the presents from The Salvation Army. They were really nice,” he shares.
“Without their assistance, it would be quite a bit grimmer.”
For Daniel, this isn’t the first time The Salvation Army has come through for him. He has always had a positive image of the organization because they helped him at a young age when he experienced homelessness as a teenager.
“I ended up at The Salvation Army, and they helped me for a couple of months until I got a job and my own place. My first experience with The Salvation Army was a good one and now that I’m 65 with all these kids, this helps out. I love The Salvation Army,” he adds.
This year, Daniel is eagerly anticipating Christmas. His family will once again receive Christmas assistance, for which they are very grateful.
“We appreciate everything they do for us,” says Danial. “Every little bit of help that we get from the organization is greatly appreciated. Without their assistance, it would be quite a bit grimmer, Maybe we wouldn’t even have a turkey on the table.”
The Epp family will be inviting friends and other relatives to celebrate the holiday together. Daniel says this is only possible due to The Salvation Army’s Christmas assistance.
By Juan Romero