Christmas Hamper Relieves Stress for Maritime Mom

by Maritime
Categories: 2020, News Archive

    Christmas is the most joyful time of the year. But for many Maritimers, the added financial pressure of the holiday season can be overwhelming and stressful. For Dartmouth mom, Donna, providing for her five children at home isn’t an easy task. 

    “I work and work to try and support my kids,” she explains. “But sometimes you need to ask for help.”

    Since her husband was deported, Donna has been caring and providing for her family of six on her own. 

    “The money goes so fast. I have to keep my car going so I can take my kids to school, buy them clothing, all the bills and added expenses. Christmas becomes a lot.” 

    Knowing The Salvation Army’s Christmas assistance program is there for Maritimers in need, she decided to apply.

    “I thought this year I would apply for Christmas help. They called me back a couple days later to let me know a family sponsored us,” she explains. “It was really great.”

    The Salvation Army’s Christmas assistance program provides families in need with toys for each child and a turkey and all the fixings for a Christmas dinner. For Donna, this relieves the added pressure of the holiday season and allows her to enjoy the most wonderful time of the year. 

    “This support means everything to us. It gives me extra money to put food on the table and keep up with the bills. I know it’s okay to ask for help when you need it, that’s why The Salvation Army is there.”

    Your support will help ensure all families have a magical Christmas by donating online.


    By: Angela Rafuse