Hope stories

From Just Existing to Living Again

Posted on 28th January 2021, by The Salvation Army in Canada
Lesley could no longer maintain housing with numerous providers who tried to help, she lived in Salvation Army emergency shelters and a transitional housing unit.
In her early 30s, Lesley’s true challenges began. A severe and chronic mental health diagnosis coupled with alcohol and addiction issues left her no longer able to function. Throughout her journey she found The Salvation Army, they helped her—no matter what condition she arrived in. “I had graduated from the University of Alberta with honours and moved  […]
The COVID-19 pandemic has brought about many challenges to The Salvation Army’s Christmas Kettle Campaign, its largest fundraising drive of the year. At a time when more and more individuals and families are facing new financial challenges and frightening realities, there has been a decline in foot traffic, fewer kettles have been mobilized and there  […]

Salvation Army Offers Virtual Kettle During COVID-19 Christmas Fundraising Efforts

Posted on 2nd December 2020, by The Salvation Army in Canada
This time last year, 69-year-old Jayne was manning one of The Salvation Army’s iconic Christmas kettles. This year, due to COVID-19 challenges and restrictions the Manitoban is unable to do what she loves most—volunteering to help her community. “For more than a century, The Salvation Army has raised funds through the annual Christmas Kettle Campaign,”  […]
christmas campaign two people standing
The Salvation Army’s largest public fundraiser of the year supports 1.9 million vulnerable people in 400 communities across Canada. MONTREAL, Nov. 16, 2020 – It’s been a difficult year for Canadians. The Salvation Army has seen the number of people needing support skyrocket almost five times over last year in some locations across the country.  […]

Journey to take back control

Posted on 21st October 2020, by The Salvation Army in Canada
Janice standing in front of wall
Janice came to L’Abri d’espoir over a year ago. Her journey to arrive at The Salvation Army’s Montreal women’s shelter and be where she is today, required a lot of determination, support and help, but she is proud of what she has accomplished. Janice moved to Québec to escape with her daughter from an abusive  […]

Salvation Army Brings Backpacks to Families in Need

Posted on 21st September 2020, by The Salvation Army in Canada
student back to school
Starting a new school year can make students feel excited, anxious, relieved, and many other emotions. Although this year’s back-to-school experience will be entirely different, those experiencing poverty, including 560,000 Canadian children, face even more stressors this season. Nationwide, many children from low or fixed-income households will be without proper school supplies because their parents  […]

Pandemic Positives

Posted on 31st July 2020, by The Salvation Army in Canada
There is no doubt that COVID-19 has had a devastating effect on our lives, our communities, our country and our world. People have suffered and died, economies have been destroyed, businesses have gone bankrupt and people have lost their jobs. But even through all the negatives, God has provided opportunities that have changed our way  […]

Small Gestures Can Make a Big Difference

Posted on 29th May 2020, by The Salvation Army in Canada
From the battlegrounds of war to the front lines of poverty, The Salvation Army is known for giving hope in a time of crisis. National Doughnut Day, held on the first Friday of June, honours The Salvation Army’s “Doughnut Lassies”, who boosted the morale of soldiers during the First World War. During the First World  […]