Note: all COVID-19 health and safety guidelines were upheld during this gathering. While the pandemic may have prevented typical gatherings, the ladies at The Salvation Army Fredericton Church still found a way to safely connect – backyard style. “Eleven of our women’s fellowship ladies met for the first time since COVID-19 for an outdoor lemonade  […]

How to Prepare for an Emergency in 2020

Posted on 24th August 2020, by Maritime
Emergencies and natural disasters occur quickly and often without warning. As hurricane season approaches in the Maritimes, The Salvation Army is working to ensure everyone is prepared when disaster strikes. In 2019, Hurricane Dorian wreaked havoc across our region, particularly Nova Scotia. The storm caused trees to be uprooted, extensive roof damage, power outages and  […]
This year, Salvation Army’s Scotian Glen camp was unable to open due to COVID-19, but that hasn’t stopped the team from finding creative ways to bring the fun of camp to families at home. One in particular has quickly become a favourite, and that’s Camp-in-a-Box. “It’s a box filled with fun”, says Major Carson Decker,  […]
It doesn’t matter whether friends are neighbors or far reaching – true friendships last. Such is the case for Salvationists Major Sandra Budden, Shirley Brooking and Rhonda Lee.  Their friendship began when Sandra was the pastor of The Salvation Army Halifax Citadel 15 years ago. Rhonda was her neighbour, who Sandra invited to attend the  […]
Categories: 2020, Blog

Keeping Summer Camp Alive During COVID-19

Posted on 24th July 2020, by Maritime
Campfires, Bible time, swimming, field games, fireworks, the buzz around the meal table, staff worship nights and latenight conversations are just a few of our favourite camp things. “Moments are forever etched in our memories” This summer marks seven years for us as divisional youth leaders, first in the British Columbia Division and now in  […]

Community Garden Creates Welcoming Space

Posted on 22nd July 2020, by Maritime
In Fredericton, The Salvation Army community garden is doing more than just boosting food security – it’s become a welcoming space for people of all skills and abilities. “The garden has been laid out in such a way that people of all abilities can take part,” explains Susan Strickland, community services coordinator. “We have raised  […]
Long before the pandemic began, Salvation Army food bank volunteers in Dartmouth, N.S., have been coming together each Monday to prepare food boxes for struggling members of their community. Each week, an average of 10 volunteers prepare up to 35 food boxes for distribution in the afternoon. But as more people face food insecurity due  […]

An Impromptu Donation Spreads Cheer

Posted on 9th July 2020, by Maritime
It’s not everyday a customer at Costco picks up another persons tab, but when a kind, anonymous gentleman found out the supplies were for Salvation Army volunteers, he did just that. “I would like to pay for your items” Captain Brent Haas of Salvation Army Fairview Citadel was shopping for supplies at Costco for his  […]
Categories: 2020, Blog