The Salvation Army and the Department of Social Development and Housing are pleased to announce a new partnership to help keep Islanders safe and out of the cold this winter. The Government of Prince Edward Island will provide funding for three locations that will be operated by The Salvation Army – Bedford MacDonald House men’s  […]

Finding Hope at The Salvation Army

Posted on 23rd November 2020, by Maritime
When Cindy was in the midst of separating from her husband, she became unable to support herself and her children. “I was experiencing a separation, which led to a divorce, and I was left with two young children on my own,” Cindy explains. “My ex was addicted to prescription pain medication and had squandered all  […]

Essential Workers Fundraise for the Virtual Santa Shuffle

Posted on 16th November 2020, by Maritime
Each year, the annual Santa Shuffle 5K Fun-Run and 1K Elf Walk helps raise vital funds to support The Salvation Army. While the event may be going virtual this year, that isn’t stopping runners, such as those from Lakeview Manor in Moncton, from lacing up their shoes and raising funds to help their community. Many  […]

75 Years of Supporting The Salvation Army

Posted on 16th November 2020, by Maritime
From ringing a bell at a Salvation Army iconic Christmas kettle to helping at fundraising events, ninety-year-old Robert Aulenback has been a faithful Salvation Army volunteer for more than 75 years. From the time he was young, Robert has attended Salvation Army Sunday School and has always been involved in the church in various ways  […]

Salvation Army Lends Kettles to Legion for Poppy Campaign

Posted on 7th November 2020, by Maritime
The Salvation Army works to meet the needs of each community we serve. Sometimes this means opening a food bank, other times it means offering shelter, but this year in Pictou it meant lending our iconic kettles to the local Legion to assist with their Poppy Campaign. “This is the first request we’ve had of  […]

Community, Compassion and Hospital Chaplaincy

Posted on 30th October 2020, by Maritime
The compassionate work of The Salvation Army isn’t always easy to see. But for retired officer Major Donna Howell, hospital chaplaincy was one of the most rewarding experiences of her career. From Alberta and Manitoba to Ontario and Halifax, and many locations in between, Donna and her husband have gained quite the experience in ministry  […]
Categories: 2020, Events