Salvation Army Leader in Liberia Speaks to the Ebola Crisis
News of the West Africa Ebola outbreak continues to make headlines. recently spoke with Major Samuel Amponsah, General Secretary, Liberia Command. In his interview he gives a powerful first-hand account of the crisis, what the Army has and is doing, and how we plan to move forward.
Please describe the situation in Liberia over the past 10 months and today.
The Ebola outbreak took place in March. It was the first of its kind and many people didn’t take precautions. They didn’t think it would last—that it would go away. Therefore, it spread from one country to another. Liberia, Seirra Leone and Guinea have a common border.
When Ebola arrived in the cities, the government asked people to minimize movement but by that time people had come with their sickness. Liberia was not prepared. Protective measures had not been put in place and the virus started killing people.
Today, locals say that 4,000 people have died in Liberia. We question if all deaths are due to Ebola or natural causes, because people won’t go to clinics out of fear of catching the disease. There are many uncertainties. The radio news says numbers are decreasing but other sources say Ebola is still killing people and people are still being admitted to clinics.
A number of parents have died, leaving their children as orphans and alone in homes. There is no one to care for them and they are very afraid.
People live in fear, afraid of contracting the virus. The Salvation Army is going into the hardest hit communities to distribute food items. The distribution team is careful in that the stay at a point, not too close to the affected community, and invite people to come and receive the items.
What are the difficulties The Salvation Army has faced in responding to the epidemic?
There are highly infected communities where no one will go because of fear of contracting the sickness.
Some communities are not open for people to respond. The need is great and our resources are limited. We rely on what is provided by the International Salvation Army.
The government has required that schools be closed. Are there other closures and how have our church meetings/gatherings changed?
Apart from the schools some government departments are closed. Non-essential workers don’t go to work. Public places with public gatherings are closed. Shops and malls are open but with restrictions and fewer people because everyone is cautious.
Churches including The Salvation Army meet but are taking preventative measures. People don’t shake hands or touch. Ebola is contracted through body contact. There are buckets at the entrance full of water mixed with chlorine to wash your hands. Chlorine will kill the virus. They don’t use towels or tissues to dry their hands. Attendance has gone down but we are grateful to meet to encourage each other.
What support is The Salvation Army currently offering?
At the beginning we offered preventative materials like sanitizers to kill the virus. Now our attention is focused on food; and preventative garments for people working in clinics.
It’s not only Salvation Army distributing food—other organizations and NGOs are because of the demand. Naturally when there is demand, prices go up. Also, because of Ebola influx of food is not easy. The airlines have curtailed movement. Before Ebola, a 25kg bag of rice sold for $29USD. It sells now for $40USD. Prices for almost everything have doubled.
What are The Salvation Army’s strengths?
We have a trained team on the ground. Two of our officers attended the Disaster Preparedness training session in Nigeria in September 2013. Preventative measures are in place. We have coordinated support from International Headquarter and they are in regular contact, asking for input and giving guidance.
Most of the materials we use are accessible and purchased locally.
Can you share a story of individuals or families affected to help us better understand the gravity of the situation?
The Corps Sergeant Major of Monrovia (the Capital of Liberia) contracted the disease and passed away Sunday, October 26. He was the Principal of William Booth High School and an outstanding leader in The Salvation Army. This has devastated Salvationists. His wife, mother and children (ages 10,7,6) have been quarantined in their house for 21 days. The Salvation Army keeps in touch with them by phone every hour. Three weeks before he knew he was sick he visited the Education office at Command Headquarters. There is always a concern when people come here. We never know where they have been or if they have been touched by people infected with Ebola.
There is a lady in the community where the Army distributes food, whose husband passed away from Ebola. He was the bread winner for the family (including two children under 10). She is a teacher and the schools are closed. When the schools are not in session, the teachers are not paid.
How has the epidemic impacted Salvation Army staff and volunteers?
Teachers from our 15 private schools that are closed have provided health education. They are paid from school fees and when schools are closed they are affected. They have not been paid since August and the government doesn’t anticipate schools to reopen until January, provided Ebola ends.
We have a clinic that is closed. Workers have been without salary for three months. This has been a major blow.
Volunteers, Salvationists and non-Salvationists are risking their lives to go into affected communities.
What will be The Salvation Army’s role moving forward?
Many of the people who died have left behind children. And many are orphaned. These children will need to go to school and basic welfare. We will organize assessment and response when the outbreak is over.
Many communities need food items. We anticipate the need to be long-term. We need IHQ support.
We continue to attend UN meetings to discuss areas that need great attention. The meetings discuss who is doing what and which communities still need assistance.
The Salvation Army continues with food distribution and protective materials. We will look at how best to support orphans and hope to provide antibiotics to community clinics.
What support do you need from the international community
Food distribution and food items appear to be the major issues now because of the restrictions in movement of people and vehicles. We need support funding the distribution of food. Sometimes we travel distances to get better prices. Please don’t forget about us.