Salvation Army in Europe Provides Hope in Desperate Times

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Categories: Articles, Blog, Feature, Mobile, Newswire

Since February 24, the world has watched the resilience of Ukrainians. As The Salvation Army provides humanitarian aid, it continues to witness the desperation in people’s eyes. Only days ago, 22 babies were born in the subway in Kyiv, some prematurely as a result of the immense stress the mothers were experiencing. The Salvation Army provided diapers, formula and hygiene products—giving small rays of hope in unsafe conditions.

Salvation Army worker offers treats to children

Salvation Army worker offers treats to children

“The Salvation Army as an international movement has a long-standing presence in Ukraine and neighbouring countries. Because we are already part of the communities in which we serve, we are ready to respond and serve immediately in times of crisis,” says Lt-Colonel Brenda Murray, director of The Salvation Army’s international development in Canada and Bermuda.

In Moldova, The Salvation Army has opened its church doors to offer individuals and families a place to sleep, eat and receive counselling. “The Salvation Army has helped me to calm down,” says one woman. “I want to move on. They fed me. I slept, and today I am clearer about what I have to do next.”

“The Salvation Army has helped me to calm down.”

Poor weather conditions add to the stress of the conflict

Poor weather conditions add to the stress of the conflict

At the Romanian border, one of the families helped by The Salvation Army was a woman who fled Kyiv with her seven-year-old daughter. “She recently spent all her money to buy a new flat that was almost completed,” says a Salvation Army pastor. “She has heard now that it is destroyed.” The Salvation Army team arranged for her to stay at a hotel that opened its doors to refugees. Transportation is another lifeline that The Salvation Army is providing.

“They fed me. I slept.”

Human trafficking is a serious and overwhelming issue in Europe. While serving at the Romanian border, a Salvation Army team handed out flyers warning of the dangers of human trafficking and providing contact information for Salvation Army locations in Europe. Three cases have been identified where individuals were saved as a direct result of the information for prevention that was provided.

Thank you for supporting the work of The Salvation Army. Your generosity plays a vital role in helping refugees to reconfigure life’s path and find hope in such desperate times.

We invite you to support those impacted by the crisis so they will receive the essential services they require.