Substance Use Disorder Programs

Six mothers with children
In the past, motherhood was challenging for Hillary. She struggled with addiction and, as a result, lost custody of her four older children. This painful experience inspired her to get sober and take measures to ensure this would not happen again. Hillary first heard of The Salvation Army’s New Choices program, which supports women with substance use  […]

From Just Existing to Living Again

Posted on 28th January 2021, by
Lesley smiles
In her early 30s, Lesley’s true challenges began. A severe and chronic mental health diagnosis coupled with alcohol and addiction issues left her no longer able to function. Throughout her journey she found The Salvation Army, they helped her—no matter what condition she arrived in. “I had graduated from the University of Alberta with honours and moved  […]

Ryan’s Recovery from Addiction

Posted on 27th October 2020, by
Ryan and his dog Roxi
Nearly 21% of Canadians will experience addiction at some point in their lives (Canadian Mental Health Association). There is a chance that you know someone who has fought, or is currently fighting, with substance use disorders. Three years ago, Ryan’s life was in constant chaos. He struggled with drugs, gambling and alcohol addiction, depression and  […]

Supporting Vulnerable Communities During the Summer Months (WATCH)

Posted on 11th August 2020, by
Two Salvation Army employees hand out water out of an EDS truck during the summer
For many, summer is a wonderful time of the year filled with vacations and backyard get togethers. But for those living in poverty, summer is just another season of challenges and hopelessness. The Salvation Army recognizes that poverty doesn’t take a break and we invite you to watch this video to see how we are  […]

From Trauma to Triumph

Posted on 25th June 2020, by
Kate with her daughter
Kate’s childhood and early years were filled with trauma and significant challenges; a family with a history of addiction and her mother, a crack addict, who left when Kate was 12. Before long, addiction was a family legacy that thrived when Kate spent her early adult years partying and abusing alcohol and drugs. “I was  […]