
Six mothers with children
In the past, motherhood was challenging for Hillary. She struggled with addiction and, as a result, lost custody of her four older children. This painful experience inspired her to get sober and take measures to ensure this would not happen again. Hillary first heard of The Salvation Army’s New Choices program, which supports women with substance use  […]
EDS van in park with supplies for vulnerable
From July to December of 2023, The Salvation Army’s Emergency Disaster Services (EDS) team in London, Ont., worked with other agencies to aid the vulnerable population. The initiative was created by the City of London, who called upon The Salvation Army to assist them. The program, Service Depots at Encampments, provided daily basic needs to people experiencing homelessness, living  […]

Salvation Army Extends Helping Hand to Local Community Kitchen

Posted on 30th April 2024, by SalvationArmy.ca
Food bank worker holds food items in front of food bank shelves
After a local community kitchen was a victim of theft, The Salvation Army in Grand Falls, N.L., stepped up to offer their support. A group of individuals broke into the church in which the Grand Falls/Windsor Community Kitchen runs. They stole thousands of dollars worth of food and some cookware. Although not part of The  […]

Embrace Sustainability this Earth Day by Making the Shift to Thrift

Posted on 22nd April 2024, by SalvationArmy.ca
Client at a thrift store interacting with store worker at the cashier counter.
At The Salvation Army Thrift Store, Earth Day holds special significance as we are committed to preserving our planet through retail and reuse. Making environmentally conscious choices is paramount. By choosing to donate and shop at our thrift stores, you extend the lifespan of gently used items, reduce textile waste in landfills, and decrease the  […]