Community Center

The Centre Communautaire de l’Outaouais offers tailored resources and personalized services that will allow you to learn new skills or meet people as friendly as you are. They purpose of the center is to meet the needs of the members of the community.


Community and Family Services

Food and material aid

Family services provides families living through difficult times with practical help such as and basic necessities.

Coats and school supplies for children are collected each year and distributed to people in need.


Pathway of Hope

Pathway of Hope focuses on identifying and addressing root cause issues for people living in poverty. It is a high impact strengths-based case management approach to providing targeted services to people with a desire to take action to break the cycle of crisis and vulnerability.


Christmas Hampers

For many families in Quebec, the holiday season is particularly difficult. That’s why The Salvation Army annually distributes hundreds of Christmas Hampers.



Centre communautaire de l’Outaouais
815 Saint-René West boulevard, Suite D1
Gatineau (Quebec) J8T 5R6
Phone : (819) 525-3060
Email :