Grand Opening Held for New Centre of Hope in Whitehorse

Posted on 13th October 2017, by Alberta
Grand Opening Held for New Centre of Hope in Whitehorse
Sitting in a picturesque valley quietly surrounded by forest and wildlife, the city of Whitehorse, Yukon, was buzzing with excitement on October 6 as The Salvation Army held their official grand opening for the new Centre of Hope. The event began with a prayer, noting we should all “work for good” from Elder Ann Smith,  […]

Sharing Warmth and Smiles

Posted on 18th November 2015, by Alberta
Coat drive 2015
There were a lot of smiles and thank you’s as Calgarians left The Centre of Hope and Barbara Mitchell Family Resource Centre this week in their new winter coats. This year’s 13th Annual Salvation Army Coat Drive at the Calgary Stampeders game on October 31 was another record breaker! Over 5,100 new and gently used  […]

Family Day Dinner Brings Everyone Together at the Centre of Hope

Posted on 23rd February 2015, by Alberta
Famiy Day Dinner at the Centre of Hope
Family Day at The Salvation Army’s Centre of Hope in Calgary was a little extra-special this year. A roast beef dinner was served, but not just to their own residents. This year, residents invited friends and family, as well as the homeless from the community and other shelters. With the help of many helpful volunteers,  […]

Grey Cup Visit a Treat at The Centre of Hope

Posted on 20th February 2015, by Alberta
The residents at The Salvation Army’s Centre of Hope had an extra special opportunity February 3, 2015 when the Grey Cup was brought in by Calgary Stampeders Corey Mace, Robe Cote, and Rene Paredes. Residents could get their photo taken with Canadian Football’s top prize and the players, receive autographs, and enjoy some lunch. The  […]

Calgary’s Less Fortunate Share Family Day Together

Posted on 22nd February 2013, by Alberta
COH - Family Day at the Centre of Hope in Calgary
As families all across Alberta celebrated Family Day on Monday, February 18, over 500 hundred of Calgary’s homeless and less fortunate came together as a family and enjoyed a delicious turkey dinner at The Salvation Army’s Centre of Hope. It was the hard work and countless volunteer hours that made the eighth annual Family Day  […]