At a Crossroads: Finding Hope in Saskatoon

by kristinm
Categories: Blog, Uncategorized

In this first-person account, Saskatoon Crossroads Residential Services chaplain Tyrone McKenzie shares how divine timing and the perseverance of kindness can win over even a hardened heart.

Housing, shelter, and social services (including correctional and justice services and addiction services) are fundamental aspects of The Salvation Army’s mission. Click the links above to learn more.

A tattooed man kneeling with his fists covering his face

Photo from Pixabay

I met Paul (not his real name) sometime in the winter of 2023-24; he was on restriction [not allowed to stay in the shelter due to past behaviour] but would often come into our entrance. Paul’s demeanour can be menacing; face tatoos, coarse language, and often angry.

The first time we met, I had come into the entrance from our dining room after speaking with a few of our guys who were having breakfast. Paul immediately came over to me and got in my face. “You’re always looking down on us. You think you’re better than us, and you look down on us.”

I admit I was intimidated. I stumbled an apology, tried to ignore him and spoke with someone else in the entrance.

I ran into Paul on the street and thought I would try again. “I think we got off to a bad start. Let me introduce myself. I’m Pastor Ty.” This time, he was less confrontational and shook my hand.

Paul would come into the chapel at various times throughout the winter, usually making remarks about our programming and religion. Then, I didn’t see him for quite a long time.

I met him again on the street in June. He had just been released from prison and said, “I’m sober now, and I want to get into treatment.” Paul’s restriction was lifted, and he started staying here and attending some of our programming. He seemed to enjoy and engage in our music time on a Friday.

The next day, Paul was attacked by a man with an axe. I learned that he had made his way to Crossroads, bloodied and with serious injuries and that he was in the Royal University Hospital.

When I walked into his hospital room to visit him, the first thing he said was – “I need you to pray for me and pray for the person who attacked me. I did a lot of violent things when I wasn’t sober, and I just don’t want him to hurt anyone else.” He went on to say, “I think God is trying to get my attention.”

Over the course of that week, I saw him several more times. He was in a lot of pain due to his injuries and needed surgery on his hand due to the attack.


On June 21st, he asked if we could go outside for a coffee and a smoke. We sat down at a picnic table, and he shared some of his story with me. He said that when he attended the music session the day before his attack, he heard a voice say, “Now is the time.” We talked some more, and I had the opportunity to share the forgiveness and new life that the Creator wanted to bring into his life. Paul was eager to pray, saying sorry, thank you and please. Sorry for the things he had done in his past, thank you for the opportunity to receive forgiveness and please make him a new person.

On the longest day of the year, which celebrates National Indigenous Day, Paul prayed to start a new life. Paul is eager to move on to treatment and continue his journey.