A Million Dollar Thrift Store

by mariasilva
Categories: Uncategorized

It’s not every day a volunteer-run thrift store raises a Million dollars, let alone for charity.

On this particular Tuesday, the Westlock Community Thrift Store and its volunteers were presented with a plaque for their massive achievement of raising $1 million for The Salvation Army over the past 40 years. This is very impressive for a store that is only open two days a week!

Situated in a residential area of Westlock, Alta., with a population of 4800, the thrift store is a unique establishment. What sets it apart is that it’s not just a building, but a community-driven initiative. Almost all of its operations are managed by volunteers, who dedicate their time and effort to support various charities.

A delivery truck loads up the items that they had too many of or didn’t sell well and takes them to another charity, making sure inventory doesn’t get stale. This week, over 60 bags of items came up from the basement on a conveyor belt. Sheila, their longest-serving volunteer (since 1995), loves her job of overseeing the inventory. Her dedication to quality and quantity shows in the items available for sale.

Step into the Westlock Community Thrift Store, and you’ll be greeted by a diverse array of items. From homemade blankets to vintage shoes, deep fryers, books, toys, camping gear, and more, there’s something for everyone. The store’s affordability and the thrill of discovering unique items make it a treasure trove, a fact that’s not lost on its regular customers.

“The Westlock Community Thrift Store is much more than just a place to buy well used clothing and household items,” says Divisional Director of Development, Darlene Burton. “It’s a community hub where people love to meet up and visit with friends.

Darlene has seen the store grow firsthand for the last twenty years. She knows the volunteers by name and has seen their progress over the years as well. Irene, the store manager and President acknowledges the pride everyone there puts into their work and keeps everything on track as they start on their next Million.