STEP program offers graduate new hope

by jmifsud
Categories: Uncategorized

    WINNIPEG, MB – Celebrations were held at the Weetamah Community Centre on Friday June 20th, when Mark Mills and eight other students graduated from STEP (the STages Education Program). STEP is a community-based literacy program operated by The Salvation Army and is made up of two stages.

    After being introduced to the program by his social worker, Mark graduated from Stage 1 following a year of study. He is very grateful for the opportunity provided, and says the staff and other students made it very easy to get up in the morning and dedicate himself to his learning. He further says they let him know “(he) wasn’t the only one that didn’t know how to read very well.”

    While Mark moved to Winnipeg when he was a young child of five, his grandmother was involved with The Salvation Army in his hometown of St. Thomas, Ontario. He says about the connection, “The Salvation Army has been a part of me for my whole life. If (my grandmother) could see what The Salvation Army has done for me, I’m pretty sure she would be very proud.”

    His intention is to move on to Stage 2 in the STEP program and then back into the workforce.

    The graduation festivities were well attended and joyful with Mandy Marsland, the program supervisor, acting as Master of Ceremonies. Thanks to the staff and instructors of the program and congratulations to all the graduates.