I owe you my life
Winnipeg, MB – These were the powerful words spoken by this year’s recipient of the Anchorage Award.
On May 29, 2013 a group of current and former members, staff and supporters of The Salvation Army Anchorage program joined to celebrate recovery and the awarding of the 5th Annual Anchorage Award. A primary criterion for the award is continuous sobriety for more than 7 years. This year’s award was presented by Mr. Allan Vanderwater, a former counsellor at Anchorage.
“I attribute the success of our recipient this year to their willingness to listen to those who were there to help,” said Mr. Vanderwater. “Not only did they listen to what was being taught, they also actively encouraged others to do the same as they strived toward success in rehabilitation. It was this willingness to learn and grow that has made success possible.”
After receiving the award, this year’s recipient had this to say about The Salvation Army Anchorage program:
“I have to admit I was surprised to hear that the Anchorage Program was offering me a recovery award. It feels a bit like getting a medal for running out of a burning house.
My life really was hopeless in 1999 when I came into the Anchorage program. This program saved my life, because I was shown how to establish a relationship with God. I was put on the path to a way of life that worked – without drugs or alcohol. I stepped out of my burning house and into a life that was to become more wonderful than I ever could have imagined!
Thanks to the people at The Salvation Army Anchorage program – I owe you my life!”
Each year the Anchorage Award recognizes a deserving individual for their success in The Salvation Army Anchorage Addictions and Rehabilitation program. This is the fifth year for this award. The program aims to facilitate personal development, mental wellness and support an addiction-free lifestyle.
During the evening’s celebrations guests mingled with staff and program participants. Also on display were beautiful artworks produced by various program participants. One individual summed up the sentiment of the evening with the following note added to the celebration scrapbook: “It is never too late to be what you wanna be and to do what you wanna do.”
For more information on this valuable program, please download The Salvation Army Anchorage program brochure or visit The Salvation Army Winnipeg Booth Centre.