Annual Booth Christmas Dinner Brings Hope In The Midst Of Misfortune

by jmifsud
Categories: Uncategorized

    Major Karen Hoeft and Manitoba Lt. Governor Philip Lee sing Carols at Annual Christmas Dinner

    Winnipeg, MB – With outside temperatures plunging, the residents of the Winnipeg Hotel Group found themselves in a tight spot when the heating system in their complex gave out this past week. Very quickly 14 people found themselves without a roof over their heads through no fault of their own. Like so many others in Winnipeg who find themselves in need of a place to stay, they turned to The Salvation Army Booth Centre for emergency shelter.

    “At The Salvation Army Booth Centre we have 360 beds to accommodate individuals on any given night. Night after night we operate at nearly 95% capacity. We also operate emergency and cold weather shelter, which means when temperatures reach -20, including wind chill, we can expand our capacity to provide bedding for another 60 or so people. There have been times when we have reached 130% capacity. It is our goal to ensure that we have enough space for anyone choosing to seek refuge from the cold has an option to do so,” explains Major Karen Hoeft, Assistant Executive Director of The Salvation Army Booth Centre.

    Throughout the year, the Booth Centre also provides an average of 895 meals each and every day to those in need – that equals more than 326,000 meals in 2011 alone! This Wednesday, December 14th, an army of volunteers will descend on the Booth Centre to spread some Christmas cheer to residents of the centre, their family and friends as well as other community residents. A team of festive volunteers and dignitaries such as Lt. Governor Philip Lee, Minister of Housing Kerri Irvin-Ross, Minister of Culture, Heritage and Tourism Flor Marcelino, Winnipeg Police Chief Keith McCaskill, other city counsellors and Winnipeg Advisory Board members for The Salvation Army.

    This year’s Christmas Dinner menu features turkey, ham, potatoes, mixed vegetables, stuffing, cranberries, gravy, dinner rolls, coconut and chocolate cream pies as well as coffee, tea and juice. The first meal will be served to current residents of The Salvation Army Booth Centre at 4:30 pm. Once these have been served and fed, the next group will enter for their sitting.

    “We expect to serve over 1000 special guests from our community this year,” states Major Hoeft, “As guests arrive they will be invited to the chapel for a time of entertainment, carol singing and a holiday devotional presented by one of the local Salvation Army ministers. This year we are again privileged to have By Choice, a band from MacGregor area performing at the chapel. During the Christmas Dinner, guests will be entertained by a local Salvation Army brass band in the dining room.”

    “Each year, The Salvation Army Booth Centre hosts over 2500 individuals. Many of the people served by The Booth Centre struggle with the effects of poverty, homelessness and addiction. For a number of our guests, they may find themselves in a situation not unlike the 14 residents of the Winnipeg Hotel Group. Out of the blue they find themselves in need of emergency shelter and assistance. No matter who needs help, no matter their station in life, The Salvation Army is ready and prepared to Give Hope Today,” explains Major Hoeft.

    View CBC News coverage of the Christmas Dinner here:  Salvation Army Serves Up Dinner