Winnipeg Generals Baseball Team

by jmifsud
Categories: Uncategorized


    This past weekend has brought to an end yet another baseball season for The Salvation Army Generals slow pitch team.  The players from this years team represented Winnipeg East Corps, Weston Community Church, and Heritage Park Temple.  While only 11 players appear in the picture and additional 6 players also played for this years team 3 of which were Cadets from The College For Officers Training.

    Even though the team came up a little short of runs in the semi final game, it was a great year of fun and fellowship.  The team proudly wore the Army Jersey with distinction and character, always took time to pray together prior to each game,  and were mindful of the presence of Christ in their lives both on and off the field.   

    Soon plans for next season will be well underway and if you are interested in participating please stay posted to this web site for more details in the early spring.