22nd Annual Salvation Army Food Drive in Huntsville a Success!
Fire, EMS, OPP, Air Cadets, Huntsville Otters Junior A Hockey Team and other community groups and individuals came out to support the 22nd Annual Salvation Army Food Drive.
This year the community support the food drive and with great success most of the food needed at the food bank for the year was provided.
“It’s overwhelming how the community comes together to help their own community through The Salvation Army”, says Major Lisa O’Doherty, corps officer in Huntsville.
Each of 6 Fire trucks, complete with volunteers and a Santa, go around each street, along with pick up trucks, police cruisers and EMS vehicles, collecting food from houses throughout the community.
Jeff Robertson, spokesperson for The Salvation Army, was on hand to observe the annual event. “Absolutely amazing! After being on the road with the drivers, I went back to the church, where the food is brought to be unloaded and organized. Air Cadets and other volunteers wait to hear “TRUCK!”, and then they all come running with grocery carts to unload the vehicles, sort and pack the food. It’s quite a scene.”
In the morning, high school students will come to continue sorting, and will carry totes of food next door to the family services office.
Hundreds of volunteers will take part in this annual event.