Bethany Hope Centre Reopens with In-Person Programs

by chrismcgregor
Categories: Divisional News
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Ottawa’s Bethany Hope Centre is once again filled with the innocent laughter of energetic children.

In-person parental programs and services, including a new program called SafeCare, are fully back up and running at the Centre, as COVID-19 restrictions have eased across the province.

SafeCare is an 18-week in-home program for parents aged 29 and under with kids aged 0-6 looking to learn more about parent/child interactions and health and safety. The new service provides parents with the skills to help manage their child’s behaviours, how to baby proof a home and how to reduce the risk of illness and injury.

“Our parent support workers work one on one with each family and help them to better understand the relationships that parents have with their children and will discuss any health and/or safety concerns that parents may have when it comes to their child’s health and the safety of the home environment,” says Bethany Hope Centre Executive Director Sandra Randall.

The Salvation Army’s Bethany Hope Centre assists parents under 30 with programs designed to improve the health and wellbeing of pregnant and parenting youth and their children. There is also employment and education support, family health and wellness support from Bruyere Academic Family Health Team, and a chaplaincy spiritual care program led by Lt. Danielle Feltham. The Nourish Family Food Centre operates with the belief that all families have the right to healthy and affordable food.

During the pandemic, Bethany Hope Centre supported as many as 300 parents and children by moving to a virtual program model of service delivery.

“Many clients expressed how they missed those person-to-person interactions, Sandra says. “All our staff are excited to have the centre reopen and back up for full business. We love seeing the clients and their children back in the building. It has been great to see everyone back in person.”

For parents who may not be comfortable coming back into the building just yet, the Centre continues to offer virtual programming. Parents can learn more about SafeCare by emailing or calling 613-725-1733.