Nurturing Positive Mental Health Through Sports and Recreation

by chrismcgregor
Categories: Divisional News

Sports and mental health are closely connected in creating a healthy lifestyle, promoting active play and a sense of overall wellness. At the Salvation Army Guelph Citadel, that also means inclusivity, hope and positivity.

Guelph Citadel received $18,000 in Innovation Grant funds from Salvation Army, Canada and Bermuda Territory Headquarters to bring together organizations that include the Canadian Mental Health Association, YMCA, University of Guelph Wellness Centre and the Guelph Community Health Centre, to connect with young people in the community through recreation and fellowship.

Starting March 15, from 6 – 9, young adults between the ages of 18 to 23 can drop in for an evening of sports, recreation and board games at 1320 Gordon Street in Guelph. There is no cost for the program and dinner is included.

“Creating a space for positive mental health, collaboration and a sense of purpose where young adults can connect and explore their faith is the foundation of this program,” said Ryan Seguin, Children and Youth Director with Guelph Citadel.

“Adding the elements of sports and board games will help bolster teamwork and open up doors of dialogue where discussions about mental health can be talk about.”

While The Salvation Army Guelph Citadel’s sports and board games program is centred around positive mental health, it’s also inclusive to all community members.

“Inclusivity is essential, and my vision is that we can be a place for those who are marginalized or experienced discrimination, and provide support with positive mental health outcomes,” Ryan says.