The OCE Division Welcomes New Leader, Divisional Commander Lt. Colonel Sandra Rice

by Ontario Communications
Categories: Divisional News
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Divisional Commander Lt. Colonel Sandra Rice

Divisional Commander  Lt. Colonel Sandra Rice


Sandra grew up in Robert’s Arm, Newfoundland, attended the Army, moved to University and finally began a teaching career. God had other plans for her future.

Following several years teaching high school and with a growing conviction that God was calling her to officership, Sandra entered the College for Officer Training in St. John’s, Newfoundland in 1978.  The past 34 years have allowed her to serve in Corps appointments in Trout River, Newfoundland and in Ontario, at Brantford, Burlington, Orillia and Newmarket.

She also served as Divisional Youth Secretary in Ontario and served on the TrainingColleges in Newfoundland and Toronto in various roles including Director of Field Education and Director of Academic Studies. In 2000, Sandra was appointed to the Toronto CFOT and in 2003 took on the role of Principal in that setting. Following the closure of the Toronto CFOT, as principal she provided leadership to the relocation, establishment and administration of the College for Officer Training in Winnipeg, Manitoba. From 2009-2014, she served as Territorial Secretary for Personnel.  Effective June 27, 2014, she moves into the role of Divisional Commander of the Ontario Central East Division.

Sandra has made a commitment to lifelong learning, completing her Bachelor of Arts and Bachelor of Education in Newfoundland and her Masters of Theological Studies in Ontario.

Sandra enjoys traveling… anywhere, but preferably to places that are warm!  She relaxes by playing golf, reading a good mystery novel or history book, or cheering on her favourite sports team. One of her favourite Scripture passages is Habakkuk 3:17-19 affirming her trust in a God who allows us (and her) to walk on high places.