12th Annual Golf Day a Great Success

by The Salvation Army in Canada
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On May 29, The Salvation Army Great Lakes Division held its 12th annual “Salvation Army Golf Day” at Beverly Golf & Country Club.  The event attracted 144 golfers from the division’s business and philanthropic communities and raised over $26,000 toward The Salvation Army Red Shield Campaign. 

The tournament included special guest, NHL All-Star, Al Iafrate, who golfed with many foursomes throughout the day.  The tournament began with lunch, followed by a prelude of the event’s activities from Dan Millar, Area Director for Public Relations & Development, and a shotgun start at 12:30 PM.  The tournament also featured a variety of contests, prizes, and a silent auction. 

The evening dinner reception included speeches by esteemed guests, a Q&A session with Al Iafrate, and a live auction.  The Salvation Army Emergency Disaster Services was highlighted throughout the event.  Each participant went home with a portable fire extinguisher and literature about emergency disaster services.  The portable fire extinguisher is a symbol that The Salvation Army Great Lakes Division offers many emergency disaster services that are an integral part to our mission work and values.

We would like to thank all of our sponsors, especially our event sponsor, Old-Republic Insurance Company of Canada, participants and volunteers, and esteemed guests for making this event a success.

For more information about Emergency Disaster Services, please contact:

The Salvation Army
Emergency Disaster Services
Ontario Great Lakes Division
371 King St
London ON  N6B 1S4
Telephone:  519-433-6106
Fax:  519-433-0250