Santa Claus is coming to 39 towns: registration opens for Santa Shuffle runs

by Ontario Communications
Categories: Divisional News
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That’s right – we’re talking about Christmas already. Registration is now open for the Santa Shuffle and Elf Walk in support of the Salvation Army.

The 23-year national running tradition on the first Saturday of December, put on by the Running Room, is being held December 7 this year in 39 cities across Canada.

CrowdSantaLast year, Ottawa boasted the most participants in Canada with a record 1,100 runners.

The family-oriented 5K Fun Run and 1K Elf Walk donates funds raised through entry fees and the pledge support of participants to the Salvation Army. The money raised goes to help put food on the table, provide warm clothing and utility assistance as well as toys for children at Christmas. You can run as an individual, a family or a team.

A lot of participants dressed up in Christmas costumes, and Santa Claus always makes an appearance to join the Elf Walk.

For more information, visit