Salvation Army Thrift Store Opens Coffee Corner

by Ontario Communications
Categories: Divisional News
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At the back of a busy Thrift Store in the downtown core of Toronto, there is a quiet space filled with soft, comfortable couches, shelves stacked with books, and the smell of coffee in the air. This is the site of the new, ‘Coffee Corner’ found at the Parkdale Thrift Store.

The space is a retreat for those in the area, offering them a soft place to sit, and a warm cup of coffee, for just $1.

Initiated by Major Douglas Hammond, and Parkdale Store Manager Kyle Brennan, the two were aware of the need in the community for such a haven, a place where anyone was welcome; residents in the community and shoppers – anyone looking for a comfortable respite.

Having a faithful customer-base, Kyle knew the Thrift Store location could serve as their Coffee Corner location. “The store ends up being a ‘hangout’ for a lot of people in the area,” Kyle noted. “It was a natural fit. By having the Coffee Corner here, it makes coming to the Thrift Store an outing, offering them a place to shop, and to sit and chat.”

The Coffee Corner opened September 24, 2010, and has since seen a steady flow of guests coming and going. “People are surprised by it still, but it continues to draw more people in as the days pass.”

The space has also created an opportunity for those living on the streets and yearning to feel comfortable and to ‘belong,’ somewhere to sit, and feel at ease.

Considering the compassionate group it took to create such a haven in Parkdale, it comes as no surprise to hear Kyle whisper the words, “put it on my tab,” as he sees someone in need struggling to find the money for a coffee.

For a unique, café experience, founded on charity and compassion, visit the Coffee Corner at the Parkdale Thrift Store in Toronto – you won’t regret it.