Elementary Students bring Christmas to many…
During the past three weeks, students at Templemead Elementary school on Hamilton Mountain have been busy encouraging everyone to bring in winter clothing that does not fit or not use to give to The Salvation Army this Christmas. All 20-25 grad 7 & 8 students involved attended the ME2WE conference which happened a few weeks earlier.
The students collected over 800 pieces of winter items, Including; Coats, mittens, hats, snow pants, boots & scarves.
“It has been an amazing chance to see the commitment of the students during this time; they drove and pushed this idea. The caring that this committee shows is fantastic. Looking into the future as leaders and seeing what they have already accomplished is very encouraging to me and others in the school.” – Ms. Astle, Vice Principle.
One grade 8 student stands out as the initiator of this drive. When asked why she did this, Autumn Weninger replied “I knew there was a need through an ad I saw, I came back to school and suggested it to my teachers and they gave me all the support I needed. We went around to each class room twice to encourage and ask them to bring items in and then show on a chart how much we have brought in all together.”
Would you do it again? “We would definitely do it again, and even though I am graduating from the school I will come back next year and encourage the new grade 8’s to do this drive again, I just want to see others have the simple things I do.”
Just to be apart of the experience reminded me why we do what we do, the kindness of these children give hope to those in our community that would not of had it this Christmas if not for them – Joshua Downer, Public Relations