Not Alone.
It’s important to know that you are not alone.
This is one of the reasons that Matt Bursey from Lawson Ministries has been biking across North America for the past 3 1/2 months. Though sometimes a lonely journey for himself, Matt has ridden his bike over 7,000 km so far to show people with disabilities that they are not alone. Matt decided to embark on this journey to raise awareness and funds for the Autism health centre that The Salvation Army is beginning in Hamilton, ON. Throughout the journey, Matt has met with families affected by Autism and has learned to rely on the kindness of strangers for support. Rallying people along the route, as well as back in Hamilton, he is an example to all that together we can make a difference.
This weekend those supporting Matt are having a BBQ at Bayfront Park in Hamilton from noon- 4pm. Stop by for some fun & BBQ and to let Matt and others know they are not alone.