Happy Trails.

people cooking
by British Columbia
Categories: Feature
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A BIG thanks to Trail Appliances at Grandview and Rupert for donating a NEW 30″ Frigidaire Range to The Salvation Army Vancouver Community and Family Services unit!

With the previous range no longer operable, this generous donation allows Vancouver Community and Family Services to continue hosting the Community Drop-In Breakfast, which operates every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday from 9:00AM – 10:00AM.  Along with the Community Kitchen Program “Sally Ann’s Healthy Eating Kitchen” which provides culinary instruction, nutrition education and budgeting tips to parents of low-income families.

A few years ago, Vancouver Community and Family Services had the privilege of partnering with the staff of Trail Appliances to serve a Community Christmas Luncheon.  Trail Appliances’ volunteer role included preparing and serving a hot meal to over 75 individuals.

In recognition of Trail Appliances generosity and continued willingness to help others, we say THANK YOU!