Your Support Means Clean Water for Kids
Thanks to generous friends like you, school children in Papua New Guinea enjoy clean water and healthier lives.
Access to clean and abundant running water is incredibly important, but not readily available or reliable in all parts of the world.
Thanks to your generous support, a new water system has been installed in Papua New Guinea in a community shared by a local primary school and The Salvation Army.
With two new water tanks and two sets of sinks with taps, staff, students and community members always have access to water for drinking, eating and cleaning.
“Previously, interruptions of water were almost every week,” says school principal Mary. “This project gives us the assurance of running water even when the water of the city is cut down. We are thankful for the financial support from our friends.”
Hadassah, a student from grade 1, is so excited: “I can always wash my hands now!” With a greater emphasis on cleanliness at school, children are greatly reducing their risk of illness.
This is your generosity at work. You’re making basic necessities like clean water more available to peoplewho need it.