The State of Poverty in Canada: Five Staggering Statistics

Children are the innocent victims of poverty
Categories: Articles, Feature, Newswire

In Canada, people of all ages face tough realities.

  • One in seven children goes to school hungry.
  • About 850,000 people utilize food banks each month.
  • At least 30 thousand Canadians are homeless on any given night.
  • More than one in 10 children are among the homeless population.
  • One in five Canadians is worried about being able to cover basic living expenses in retirement.

We live in a nation that has one of the highest standards of living in the world, yet poverty is one of our major problems. The Salvation Army is providing opportunities for people to improve their lives.

Last year, The Salvation Army served 100,000 breakfasts to hungry students; assisted 1,375,000 persons with food, clothing or practical assistance and provided 5,700 shelter, addictions, detox and mental health beds each night for vulnerable men, women and families.

Please join us in the fight against poverty.