The Salvation Army in Canada Releases New Vision

The Salvation Army Territorial Headquarters for Canada and Bermuda recently released the following vision statement for the organization:
We are an innovative partner,
mobilized to share hope wherever there is hardship,
building communities that are just and know the love of Jesus.
“I am personally excited by this vision. It has been developed to provide direction for where we see the organization going over the next ten years,” says Commissioner Floyd Tidd, Territorial Commander. “It will guide the development of a new, focused strategy that will help ensure that we are best equipped and inspired – as both a Christian church and a provider of community services – to continue to deliver on our mission across the territory in ways that are both relevant and innovative. It truly represents what we aspire to be.”
The vision statement echoes the collective hopes and dreams of the more than 3,000 stakeholders who provided input to its development, including employees, officers (Salvation Army clergy), church members, volunteers, and supporting partners.
Commissioner Tidd also reiterated the organization’s overall mission, “Our mission is to share the love of Jesus Christ, meet human needs and be a transforming influence in the communities of our world,” he said. “We will continue to do that within the context of our core values of Hope, Service, Dignity and Stewardship, guided by this compelling vision statement.”