Single Mother Finds Relief Thanks to Food Bank Support

Amanda, medium length brown hair looks into camera

Amanda Bree from Houston, B.C., is a single mother of four. Due to the current high cost of living, making ends meet is a constant struggle.

“I am a mother on a very tight income and can’t afford to get food sometimes,” Amanda shares.

When the pressure of providing for her family became overwhelming, a friend told her about the local Salvation Army food bank. Despite the potential relief this opportunity could bring her, Amanda initially hesitated to seek help.

“I was a little shy to ask for help and felt a little nervous,” Amanda remembers. However, she soon discovered that the support from the food bank was just what she needed. Over the past year, Amanda says her overall experience has been very positive.

“It has helped a lot.” Amanda adds that The Salvation Army has made it possible for her to fill the gap between paycheques, ensuring her children don’t go hungry during that time.

“I am a mother on a very tight income and can’t afford to get food sometimes.”

Although Amanda is proud to be doing her best to keep her children well, she credits the food bank for its crucial assistance to her family.

“Without The Salvation Army, I would’ve had to figure out something to get by. Maybe I would have to ask my family members for help,” she says.

Aside from food assistance, The Salvation Army has also provided Amanda’s children with back-to-school supplies. It helps her relieve a cost that, multiplied by four children, can add up.

The Salvation Army’s support has given Amanda hope for the future.

“Without The Salvation Army, I would’ve had to figure out something to get by.”

“My outlook for the future looks better than it did a year ago,” Amanda says.

While she continues to work hard to provide for her family, Amanda feels calmer and safer as she knows that whenever times get tough The Salvation Army will be there to help her.

By Juan Romero