Salvation Army Haiti Earthquake Relief: Update 2

by The Salvation Army in Canada
Categories: Newswire, Our Leaders

salvationarmy_haiti_6The Salvation Army World Services Organization, based in the U.S., has personnel en route to Haiti to coordinate the various logistics needed to get food air-lifted into Haiti. At least 285,000 meals are ready to be sent.

In addition, a team of professionals in the field of emergency disaster services will assist exhausted workers on the ground in Haiti. They will put into place an Incident Command Centre to facilitate the arrival of volunteers from other countries to assist with a first response of water, food and first aid.

Salvation Army relief personnel are also victims of the earthquake and spent the night walking the streets to offer assistance to those crying for help. Salvation Army facilities in Port-au-Prince have been heavily damaged by the quake

In the city of Port-au-Prince The Salvation Army operates a church that is a spiritual home to more than a thousand members, a children’s home for more than fifty children, a medical clinic that cares for 150-200 people daily, and a school that educates more than 1,500 children. Children from the home spent the night on the ground for fear of collapsing structures.

To make a donation to The Salvation Army Haiti Earthquake Disaster Relief Fund visit http:/

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