Retirement with a Purpose

Alison stands in front of book shelves at thrift store

Many retirees struggle to find ways to fill their newfound free time. However, Alison, a volunteer at The Salvation Army thrift store in Richmond Hill, Ont., did not face this challenge.

“I decided that when I retired, I wanted to get involved in volunteer work,” Alison shares. “I started looking around for opportunities.”

Initially, Alison found some office positions; however, she was specifically interested in opportunities that would allow her to contribute to the community. She found a perfect place to do so at The Salvation Army.

“The Salvation Army does a lot of good work, so it is a good organization that I like to support,” Alison says. She began volunteering at the thrift store because she had previously managed a small charity shop in Great Britain. Alison thought her experience would ease her transition into the new role.

Alison believes being a Salvation Army volunteer has made a positive impact on her daily life.

“It has given me a purpose. I feel that I’m helping the community.”

“It has given me a purpose. I feel that I’m helping the community, and I’m working with people. You can chat with customers and other workers here at the shop,” she adds.

For nearly three years, Alison has been a familiar face for the customers at her local Salvation Army thrift store, volunteering three times a week. Her main role consists of taking care of the book donations. For this reason, she is affectionally known as the “Book Lady” by some fellow staff members and customers.

For Alison, providing access to goods at a reasonable price is important. However, she says The Salvation Army thrift stores go beyond that.

“I come across old books that have been out of print for the longest time. I think it’s important that people in the community have access to cheaper and unusual goods.”

“More people should try to do something like this to give back to the community.”

Whenever she finds an old gem, Alison lets her supervisor know and that item is showcased at the front for people to find easily.

Alison enjoys her role at the thrift store and plans to be a part of The Salvation Army for as long as she can.

“As long as I have my health, I want to continue volunteering. More people should try to do something like this to give back to the community,” Alison says.

By Juan Romero