Thank You From The Salvation Army

Categories: Feature

Dear friends:

For many, Christmas is perhaps the most anticipated event of the year. But, for one in 11 Canadians living in poverty, a multitude of which are children, the holiday season is one of heartache and pain.

“Christmas is a sad season when you’re poor,” Charlie told a Salvation Army worker.” I live alone in a furnished room and don’t have any family. It isn’t much of a holiday for me.”

We cannot run from the fact that we need to reach out to these people in our midst. Poverty is an attack on their identity and deserves our personal attention.

The Salvation Army is called to a mission of service that provides dignity and respect. We believe that everyone should have access to basic rights such as nutritious food, health care, education and economic opportunity, and that no one person is more or less valuable than another.

In 2011, reports issued by The Salvation Army indicated that three-quarters of its programs saw an increase in demand for services compared to the previous year. And, some former donors are now turning to the Army for assistance, as the effects of the recession are still being felt.

The Salvation Army Christmas Campaign helps us provide direct, compassionate, hands-on service to more than 1.7 million people in Canada each year. This annual campaign has grown into one of Canada’s most significant and recognizable charitable events.

In 2010, more than $19 million was raised in our kettles nationwide, an all-time record. While it is too early to calculate final results for our 2011 Christmas Campaign, our desire is to exceed this amount.

Every year The Salvation Army calls on Canadians to consider donating money or volunteering time to help us meet serious needs that continue to exist in communities nationwide.

The Salvation Army relies on your support. We thank you for showing confidence in our mission by entrusting us with your generous gifts. Your donations allow us to offer, not a hand out, but a hand up to hundreds of thousands across the nation who have met with hard times. For this, we are truly grateful.

If you still wish to give you can donate online, visit one of our nearly 2,000 kettle locations across Canada, start your own online kettle, add a Kettle to Your iPhone, Blackberry, Android Phone and Facebook Profile, or find the closest kettle to you online.

May God richly bless you during this Christmas season and throughout the coming year!


Commissioner Brian Peddle

Note: In order to qualify for a 2011 tax receipt, funds must be received by The Salvation Army by December 31, 2011.

For more information:
Charitable donations can take many forms. If you would like more information about donating to The Salvation Army, please contact or call 1-800-725-2769.