Long-time Thrift Store Guest Turned Her Need into a Tradition

Sylwia browses through clothes racks at the store
by SalvationArmy.ca
Categories: Articles, Blog, Feature, Mobile, Newswire

Something that initially began out of necessity, has now become a tradition for Sylwia Krawczyk.

For the past 13 years, Sylwia has been a guest of The Salvation Army’s Nairn Thrift Store in Winnipeg. At first, she frequented the store because it was one of the few places she could afford as a newcomer. Over the years she fell in love with the store and continues to go multiple times a week.

“I really like the service and the people.”

“I really like the service and the people. It is very clean, everything is organized and it has a nice atmosphere. Even now that I have a job and I am financially stable, I still like to go,” Sylwia said.

During her weekly runs to the thrift store, Sylwia likes to look for any interesting items she may find; however, she mostly shops for clothes.

Proof of her long-time loyalty to the thrift store is her 10-year-old son. The staff at the store got to know Sylwia when she was pregnant with him. They now fondly remind her of those times whenever she comes in with her son who is now close to reaching his teenage years.

One of the staff members that recalls those times is Espie Robles, store manager. Espie has held the managerial position for the past 28 years. Throughout her time with The Salvation Army, she has witnessed many cases like Sylwia’s and loves to hear success stories from store guests that were able to overcome struggles in the past.

Helping people out is what Espie loves the most about her job.

“You hear from the guests about past positive experiences with The Salvation Army. I believe in what The Salvation Army stands for and helping communities in need.  I just love what I do, it’s my passion,” Espie said.

“I believe in what The Salvation Army stands for and helping communities in need.”

Adding to her own success story, Sylwia not only shops at the thrift store, but she also contributes to it. She frequently drops off donation bags with household items, clothes, or toys her son no longer uses. She wants to give back and help, especially during these times of increasing inflation.

“I notice more people coming to the thrift store. I’ve even heard from some people that because everything is so expensive now, they can’t afford other retail stores,” Sylwia said.

Due to her positive experience, Sylwia recommends the thrift store to people at any chance she gets. Sylwia visits the thrift store whenever she can. She plans to continue with this tradition, that at one point supported her when she was in need.

For more information about The Salvation Army Thrift Store visit: https://thriftstore.ca/

By Juan Romero