“Happier than Ever” With The Salvation Army’s Supportive Housing Program

Tammy left, speaks with counsellor, right
by SalvationArmy.ca

Just over a couple of years ago, Tammy felt far from happy. She was dealing with personal struggles, including recovering from a difficult relationship breakdown and mental health concerns after her dad passed away suddenly. She moved out of her community and moved in with her mother to help her, but the living situation that came out of it wasn’t the best.

“It got to the point that I felt like I was nothing,” Tammy says.

The unhealthy living situation took an additional toll on her mental health, and it led to her feeling suicidal. She knew she needed to escape. With nowhere else to go, she turned to The Salvation Army’s Wiseman Centre in St. John’s. She initially stayed in their emergency shelter and later moved into supportive housing.

“Even that first night here at the shelter, I was able to go to bed and I actually slept, which is something I couldn’t do while I was at my mom’s home,” Tammy shares.

The supportive housing program consists of individual bachelor-style apartments for adults. The goal is to provide tenants individualized support while empowering them to live independently. Residents in this program have access to basic needs that include food, clothes, computer and phone access, mental health counselling.

“I love it here. If we need to go grocery shopping or anything, they bring us. If we have a doctor’s appointment, they’ll bring us.  When you need someone to talk to, there is always someone here,” Tammy adds.

For just over two years, Tammy has been a tenant of the supportive housing program. She appreciates the security and the staff. She has felt comfortable enough at The Salvation Army to come out of her shell.

“This is going to sound kind of weird, but here I learned how to talk,” she says. “Before, whatever I said didn’t mean anything. But now, since I’ve been here, what I have to say matters. I am more outgoing, and I am not afraid to talk anymore.”

“The difference is day and night, from being depressed and wanting to end it all to having something to live for.”

Tammy’s favourite aspect of supportive housing is a weekly wellness group facilitated by the Mental Health and Addictions Specialist where open conversation is encouraged.

“We get to talk about what is bothering us, or about something good happening,” Tammy says.

According to Carolyn Reid, director of programs at The Salvation Army’s St. John’s Housing and Community Services, Tammy has motivated other residents of supportive housing and the emergency shelter.

“Her involvement in the group provides informal peer support to new participants. The facilitator has informed me that Tammy has helped people by talking about her experiences,” Carolyn says.

“They are good people and help so many.”

In supportive housing, Tammy is the first and only female tenant. Although the program has been open to women since 2012, there have always been many more male applicants. She doesn’t mind being the only woman and says she has felt respected. Tammy is grateful for the support she has received from The Salvation Army.

“Everyone I’ve met from The Salvation Army, not only here, but other Salvation Army locations, has been easy to talk to and they have offered their advice. They are good people and help so many,” Tammy says.

Looking ahead, Tammy hopes to keep her spirits up by helping fellow residents who want to talk. She feels content with her current situation and looking back she never imagined she would ever feel the peace she feels today.

“I’m happier than ever. The difference is day and night, from being depressed and wanting to end it all to having something to live for.”

By Juan Romero