Giving Back

Participant stands with graduation certificate

The Salvation Army’s Pathway of Hope program provides intensive, personalized case management to individuals and families who have a desire to break the cycle of poverty. It is designed to strengthen whole communities, and to provide support regardless of challenging circumstances.

Pathway of Hope extended to Halifax this year, and one of the first people who sought assistance was Ian*. At a point of crisis in his life, and the uncertainty of homelessness, he enrolled in the initiative opened by The Salvation Army’s Centre of Hope.

His primary goal with Pathway of Hope was to find and move into affordable housing—a place that he could call his own and lay down meaningful roots. Pathway of Hope team members worked alongside him and began his application for metro regional housing. As, piece by piece, this started falling into place, Ian’s mind was eased. He was beginning to develop real hope for the family he loves, for the first time in too long.

Ian’s second goal was to strengthen his relationship with his seven-year-old son, Jason*. One way that Pathway of Hope helped with this was to enable Jason to take part in the Open Arms Spring Break camp—a getaway that offers children a range of fun activities from hikes and rock climbing to team games, crafts, storytelling and, of course, singing around a roaring campfire. Truly a memorable and emotional adventure, and one which Jason thoroughly enjoyed!

Having now successfully graduated Pathway of Hope and accomplished his personal goals, Ian reflects warmly on “the direction provided (which) helped to keep me focused and on my task.”

But Ian hopes that this is not the end of his connection with The Salvation Army in the city. He has expressed a firm desire to “give back” by spending his own time volunteering in the facility’s kitchen as circumstances permit in the future.

*not his real name


To read the full 2021 Pathway of Hope Impact report, visit