
Are You Ready to Join Earth Hour?

Posted on 23rd March 2010, by The Salvation Army in Canada
Will you be joining a billion people around the world in turning off the lights on Saturday, March 27 at 8:30 p.m.? The Salvation Army Territorial Headquarters is a registered participant in Earth Hour 2010. Participation in Earth Hour is a symbolic global statement about making long-term changes to the way we use resources both  […]
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Addiction Rehab and Spirituality: Can or should the two be separated?

Posted on 12th March 2010, by The Salvation Army in Canada
A Winnipeg man who has struggled with alcoholism for decades has filed a complaint with the Manitoba Human Rights Commission because he can’t find a treatment program that doesn’t rely on religion or spirituality as part of the recovery process. Rob Johnstone, who has filed the complaint, says the presence of spiritual elements in rehab  […]
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Is Donor Fatigue Hurting the Chile Relief?

Posted on 4th March 2010, by The Salvation Army in Canada
The 8.8 magnitude earthquake that devastated Chile comes on the heels of Haiti’s massive earthquake. Many Salvation Army centres report fewer phone calls are being received to support Chile’s tragedy, versus Haiti’s. Chile isn’t getting the same attention as Haiti. In the first 48 hours after both earthquakes 2,596 news articles were written about Haiti,  […]
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Hot drink offered by The Salvation Army in 1948 Influences Olympic Decision

Posted on 11th February 2010, by The Salvation Army in Canada
When Anna Dean’s parents, Malcolm and Diana Dean, immigrated to Canada from England in 1948, they knew no one. When they got off the ship at Pier 21 in Halifax with their two toddlers, Anna’s parents were offered hot drinks by The Salvation Army and asked if they needed shelter, clothes or food. The family  […]
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Video of The Salvation Army Distributing Food in Haiti

Posted on 29th January 2010, by The Salvation Army in Canada
The Salvation Army has had a presence in Haiti since 1950 and its personnel who were affected by the earthquake are now working to assist others in need. The Salvation Army in Haiti operates three medical facilities, schools that serve at least 10,000 children, feeding programs, children’s homes and church-related activities. Please support The Salvation  […]
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Haiti’s Orphans – Should Adoption Processes Be Bypassed?

Posted on 25th January 2010, by The Salvation Army in Canada
For newly orphaned children wandering the streets of Haiti’s capital begging for food, new life sounds like a dream come true. But agencies trying to evacuate children whose parents died in last week’s earthquake have been criticised for bypassing proper adoption processes to rush them to families abroad. Children’s advocacy groups warn against new procedures  […]
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Devastation in Haiti, a First-Hand Account

Posted on 13th January 2010, by The Salvation Army in Canada
Words cannot begin to describe the devastation that has taken place in Port au Prince, Haiti. I am the Director of Disaster Services for The Salvation Army in Haiti, and I am from the United States. My wife and I have been in Port au Prince since April, and have fallen deeply in love with  […]
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New Survey Says Teens More Moral, Less Religious

Posted on 6th January 2010, by The Salvation Army in Canada
Teens are becoming more moral but less religious, according to a new study released by one of Canada’s most respected sociologists. The Emerging Millennials: How Canada’s Newest Generation is Responding to Change and Choice is the title of the latest book by Reginald Bibby, a sociologist with the University of Lethbridge in Alberta. It is  […]
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