
Home for the Holidays

Posted on 6th January 2010, by The Salvation Army in Canada
Laurie Williamson presents a cheque to Captain David Allen in Mississauga, Ont. Over the past five years, he’s donated $50,000 to the Army The Salvation Army gives hope to thousands across the country each year, and I’m sure they get some strange requests. But I’m pretty certain that a tuba never made it to their  […]
Categories: Feature

The Salvation Army 2009 Year in Review

Posted on 3rd January 2010, by The Salvation Army in Canada
It was a difficult year for many in Canada. In 2009 hundreds of thousands of Canadians worried about their jobs and their savings. According to Stats Canada, “The Canadian economy lost a startling 129,000 jobs in January, almost all full-time positions and a record single-month total.”
Categories: Feature