
Kids’ Club Helps Empower Children and Builds Bonds

Posted on 20th February 2024, by SalvationArmy.ca
children in gym playing balloon game
Every Wednesday, The Salvation Army in Brockville, Ont., hosts a fun initiative called the Kids’ Club. This program provides children with learning, games, and even a meal after school. Additionally, it serves as a bridge to connect new families with The Salvation Army. “Kids’ Club was created to provide a service and a community-building aspect  […]

Modern Slavery and Human Trafficking Response

Posted on 10th February 2024, by SalvationArmy.ca
In 2023, The Salvation Army’s commitment and desire to end modern slavery and human trafficking (MSHT) in Canada and Bermuda deepened as we experienced meaningful impact, new opportunities and immense expansion. We continue to stand firm in our commitment to serve and assist people with lived experience, their families and friends, while working to end  […]
Portrait of Earl and Janice O'Born
For over 25 years, Earle O’Born and his wife, Janice, have supported The Salvation Army’s work The Fraser Institute recently recognized the entrepreneurial drive and charitable contributions of four honourees in Vancouver, Calgary, Toronto and Montreal with the prestigious Fraser Institute Founders’ Award, considered the institute’s highest honour. Earle O’Born, founder and chairman of The  […]

Indigenous Ministries Highlights

Posted on 2nd February 2024, by SalvationArmy.ca
Commissioner Tracey Tidd along with Captain Crystal Porter (in traditional wear)
While Salvation Army leadership gathered at Parliament Hill in May 2023, Indigenous voices were amplified at an Indigenous listening event. In partnership with Salvation Army Government Relations, the Territorial Indigenous Ministries Consultant and Associate Territorial Indigenous Ministries Consultant interviewed four Indigenous people connected to The Salvation Army. Through questions and conversations, they shared their visions  […]

Langley’s Salvation Army Shelter Allows Pets to Keep Families Together

Posted on 1st February 2024, by SalvationArmy.ca
Shelter guest with pet dog
One of the main focuses of The Salvation Army’s Gateway of Hope shelter in Langley, B.C., is to ensure that residents have accessibility and comfort. To promote a welcoming and positive environment, the Gateway of Hope allows guests to access all shelter services with their pets. According to Residential Services Manager, Cristina Schneiter, it is  […]
Collage of two clients holding cats. Portraits of two cats
Participants of four programs from The Salvation Army’s Centre of Hope, now share their living space with some friendly four-legged friends. Dr. Bob, Wilson, Freddie, and Leroy are the names of the four cats who were brought into the Centre of Hope’s facilities, to accompany the residents and bring them some joy. The new pet  […]