
A Summer Job She’ll Never Forget

Posted on 23rd August 2010, by The Salvation Army in Canada
It started out as an employment opportunity, but Christina Plantinga’s time at The Salvation Army changed her forever. It’s not every summer job that offers a life-changing experience, but that’s what Christina Plantinga found in Campbell River, B.C., last summer, working with the community’s homeless and underprivileged. Christina, 24, freely admits that she had no  […]
Categories: Feature

It’s About Small Successes at This Adventure Camp

Posted on 16th August 2010, by The Salvation Army in Canada
First-time campers don’t know a lot about life in the outdoors, including how to paddle a kayak, pitch a tent or build a campfire. Those are the survival skills they learn while in the wilderness. But it’s rare that a camper doesn’t know how to ride a bike. That’s a skill parents are supposed to  […]
Categories: Feature

Hope Amid the Devastation

Posted on 11th August 2010, by The Salvation Army in Canada
Jeff Noel was watching the televised images of disaster in Port-au-Prince, Haiti, when his telephone rang.
Categories: Feature

Valley Saw Miracles Every Day

Posted on 28th July 2010, by The Salvation Army in Canada
With the summer sun dappling through dark evergreens beyond the open windows, the chorus of voices rose and spilled out of the Chapel in the Woods with the fervor and assurance of true believers.
Categories: Feature

Kids Come Alive at Summer Camp

Posted on 20th July 2010, by The Salvation Army in Canada
Kids are so excited, they don’t look back to say goodbye. Equipped with backpacks and sleeping bags they head off to summer camp where they come alive.
Categories: Feature