
The Salvation Army and Restorative Justice

Posted on 31st March 2011, by The Salvation Army in Canada
“I will never forget my first brush with injustice” says Matt Delaney. “I was so hurt. I wanted pay back. I wanted to retaliate, to return the favour that I didn’t ask for. I did fight back. Strange though, after I unleashed my vengeance, all I felt was empty and alone. What was wrong with  […]
Categories: Feature

The Agony of a Mother

Posted on 21st March 2011, by The Salvation Army in Canada
A Stormy Childhood From an early age Debbie learned not to trust adults. She was a victim of abuse and her home was plagued by alcoholism, rage and secrecy. “When my dad drank he became angry without a reason,” says Debbie. “There was screaming and threats of violence. I was always afraid.” While home lacked  […]
Categories: Feature

Salvation Army Inspires Ryerson Students in Canada’s First 3D Public Service Announcement

Posted on 16th March 2011, by The Salvation Army in Canada
Six students from Toronto’s Ryerson University School of Radio and Television Arts experimented with new technology for their senior year’s final project. Inspired by The Salvation Army, the result was Canada’s first 3D public service announcement. httpvh://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5NhnsU-TLHU PSAs are aimed at raising awareness about specific issues. With more than 2,400 man hours, $1,500 of their  […]
Categories: Feature

Accident Victim Reclaims Dignity Through The Salvation Army

Posted on 24th February 2011, by The Salvation Army in Canada
“When my head hit the pavement, life as I knew it ended,” says Leslie McGrath. Run down at a crosswalk by an intoxicated taxi driver, this highly educated, successful business woman was now mentally impaired. Feeling worthless, and with little hope for the future, she turned to The Salvation Army for help. “A police report  […]
Categories: Feature

Salvation Army National Kettle Campaign Rings in Successful Year

Posted on 4th February 2011, by The Salvation Army in Canada
The numbers are in and The Salvation Army is calling its recent Christmas fundraising campaign a success. From coast to coast Canadians refused to forget the critical needs of the communities in which they live and pushed campaign results over the top.
Categories: Feature

Cold Weather Snaps Prompt Increase in Salvation Army Services

Posted on 25th January 2011, by The Salvation Army in Canada
For people who live on the streets, extreme cold weather can be a matter of life or death. As bone-chilling temperatures sweep over the nation, Salvation Army emergency measures are in place, with the goal of keeping street people warm and alive.
Categories: Feature