
Annual Review 2011/12

Posted on 17th September 2012, by SalvationArmy.ca
The Annual Review is the story of your donations at work. At the end of each day, The Salvation Army has helped thousands of broken people whose lives have been assaulted. Clear, transparent information in this Annual Review will tell you all about it. Last year 1.8 million people were helped by The Salvation Army  […]
Categories: Feature

Helping Students Get a Fresh Start

Posted on 27th August 2012, by SalvationArmy.ca
Back to school is only days away. For some children it’s an exciting time, but for others it is sad and embarrassing. That’s where The Salvation Army can help. For families facing financial burdens, back-to-school shopping is a tug-of-war between pens and notebooks versus rent and food. “Families are still struggling,” says Terry Harney, Markham,  […]
Categories: Feature

William Booth – A Passion for the Poor

Posted on 20th August 2012, by SalvationArmy.ca
On Monday, August 20, 2012, The Salvation Army is marking 100 years to the day after its Founder, William Booth, died, by releasing a 30-minute film about his life – William Booth – A Passion for the Poor. With restored film footage and specially treated photos, this 30-minute film looks at the life of William  […]
Categories: Feature

Rethinking Drinking

Posted on 13th August 2012, by SalvationArmy.ca
The statistics are not good. About 6,700 Canadians die each year as a result of drinking alcohol. Paul’s story “For 20 years, it was just me and a bottle,” says Paul, rethinking his alcohol abuse. “Although I cheated death several times and lost all that was important to me, I defended my addiction to the  […]
Categories: Feature

Weston Foundation Aids Salvation Army

Posted on 2nd August 2012, by SalvationArmy.ca
The Salvation Army’s highly anticipated Barbara Mitchell Family Resource Centre in Winnipeg is now officially open. On Monday, July 30 thirteen dignitaries and more than two hundred guests gathered to celebrate the official opening of the Centre, a hub of activity where newcomers learn skills, restore self-esteem and confidence, to function in Canadian society. The  […]
Categories: Feature

Day Camp Adventures

Posted on 16th July 2012, by SalvationArmy.ca
Armed with swimsuits and sunscreen, sneakers and water bottles, kids from all walks of life buzz with excitement as they anticipate their week-long day camp adventures. For the 12th consecutive year, The Salvation Army in Oshawa, Ont., has opened its doors for summer day camp. “Camp is a thrilling and unforgettable place where kids meet  […]
Categories: Feature

Duffle Bags and Dignity

Posted on 3rd July 2012, by SalvationArmy.ca
In Moncton, N.B, The Salvation Army’s unique camping program is providing additional dignity to vulnerable children by ensuring that each child arrives at camp as an equal. Imagine the embarrassment of appearing at camp with a battered suitcase that contained one beat-up old pillow, or the isolation felt as you sat on the sidelines during  […]
Categories: Feature

When the Cupboards are Bare

Posted on 25th June 2012, by SalvationArmy.ca
This can’t be happening to me, thought Patricia. With her sudden loss of employment, the Davis household income took a drastic hit. They were in a crippling situation. Imagine a family of four living on $5 a month after paying rent and basic bills? This is where Patricia Davis and her loved ones found themselves  […]
Categories: Feature

Taking Support to the Streets

Posted on 18th June 2012, by SalvationArmy.ca
In Midland, Ontario, spare change is still in demand, homeless people are looking for support and places to stay, and others on the fringe just need someone to talk to. Situations don’t change quickly but given the opportunity, they can. In a rubber-meets-the-road type of ministry, The Salvation Army is combing streets, parks and trails—anywhere  […]
Categories: Feature

Salvation Army Celebrates 130 Years

Posted on 11th June 2012, by SalvationArmy.ca
What began in Canada in 1882 with about 30 members has since grown to become Canada’s largest non-governmental direct provider of social services. In June 2012 The Salvation Army in Canada celebrates 130 years of giving hope and support to vulnerable people at their greatest point of need. From the beginning, the Army in Canada  […]
Categories: Feature